The standard ScrapeHero API returns HTTP status codes in addition to JSON-based messages.

Status Code

API Response


Do I get Billed?


400Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain furtherNo
401Unauthorized Missing or incorrect authentication credentials. This may be returned in other undefined circumstancesNo
404Not FoundThe URI requested on the target site is invalid or the resource requested, such as a product, does not exist
422Unprocessable EntityReturned when the data is unable to be processedYes
429Too Many RequestsAPI rate limit exceeded.

This code is returned when you make more calls than you purchased as part of your plan or if you make calls at a higher rate (per minute/second) than your plan allows.

See the API's plan page for the details on these limits
500Internal Server ErrorSomething is broken. This is usually a temporary error, for example in a high load situation or if an endpoint is temporarily having issuesNo

Error Messages

ScrapeHero API error messages are returned in a JSON format. For example, an error code might look like this:

{"Error": "Product not found in"}